04 February, 2014

Supernatural: The Road So Far

Yes, I am really enjoying Supernatural! No, it's not Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Doctor Who. But yes, it's two visually pleasing guys blasting scary things with rock salt, so, WIN.

The brothers really do have a compelling relationship and great chemistry, but I remain an enormous weenie who has never, EVER liked being scared of things. Apparently some people just don't get fazed by scary movies and stuff. I envy those people. I also fear them just a little. Some other people enjoy the thrill of the scare while they're in the moment but regret it later when they're doing patently stupid things I try to avoid, such as opening medicine cabinets and checking out that noise downstairs.

I'm in a very different group of people, the group those other groups keep telling that it's not that scary, really, and they'll let us know when we can look, but we don't trust them not to tell us to open our eyes in the middle of the bloodbath, so we sit there with our eyes closed and our hands over our ears, trying to go to a happy place, but we're too scared to show the scary things where our happy places are, so we just sort of rock ourselves back and forth, humming as we try in vain to block out the laughter of the evil clown.

Given my lifetime membership in Group C, I had legit worries about whether I'd be able to watch Supernatural at all, but I'm shocked to report that for the most part it really isn't that scary! Now by that, I mean I watch by the light of every bulb in my living room and occasionally avert my gaze from the television until the scary part's over...and there are most definitely parts that scare the everloving crap out of me. I mean, when that little girl saw the clown standing in the woods, by the side of the road? I literally cried. I was so scared in that moment and froze up so completely that the only part of me still able to express my terror was the water in my eyes. So...yeah. I don't do clowns.

But the demons don't scare me as much, probably because they're so busy posturing and monologuing, and I find those things more annoying than scary--I mostly want the demons to shut up already. But there are moments that genuinely creep me out, creatures I find incredibly frightening, and I expected those to keep me from being able to watch Supernatural. Thing is, though? Nearly every episode, Dean and Sam send the scary thing packing. They salt the bones and burn them, and the scary thing goes away. So even though I'm only in the middle of Season 2, it's already been an invigorating experience, getting to watch these guys literally blowing away the things that frighten me. I can't even pretend to say I'm not still an Olympic-level scaredy-cat, though, because of something that happened last night.

I was watching epsode 2.6--and yes, spoilers for S2's "No Exit"-- in which the serial killer's spirit is haunting the apartment building, reaching through the grates and generally dripping goo all down the walls in a splendidly terrifying fashion. I am properly freaked but doing my best to hold it together until the Winchester boys can come salt this thing and make it better...and then the lights start to flicker. Not on the show. No, in my living room, the lights begin to flicker.

Please allow me to convey my feelings about this moment via the art of Allie Brosh, genius creator of Hyperbole and a Half, who without knowing she was doing it managed to draw the most accurate pictures of me in all of space and time.


  1. I didn't watch Supernatural cause it seemed like the kind of thing I'd really get into. Already into Buffy, Doctor Who, Sherlock (we have a lot of similar interests). I didn't know it was scary to boot!

    7% Solution

    1. Hah, I definitely like your taste in television! In all honesty, it's nowhere *near* as scary as I was led to believe. I mean, this is all through the eyes of a life-long scaredy-cat, and while there have been some spots here and there when I let my eyes wander away from the screen in self-defense, overall I'd call it excitingly suspenseful. Some genuinely scary moments and some occasional gore, but nothing that's given me nightmares or anything.

      When my own lights started to flicker, though... that was flat-out TERROR. (>_<)

  2. ROFL! No, not at you. With you... I adore Hyperbole and a Half! Glad you liked Supernatural! The flickering lights in your living room had to be a surreal experience, though! I also laughed with you, about demon monologuing. After a few, I assumed it was a subtle joke, a la The Incredibles. Funny enough, I enjoy Crowley's monologues. He appears a bit later in the series and is played by the wonderful Mark Sheppard - something to look forward to!

    1. Hee! It's okay if you laughed a little "at" me too--as soon as I was able to breathe again, I started laughing like crazy. Seriously, the odds! That was just. messed. up.

      Definitely looking forward to seeing Mark Sheppard! Loved him on Firefly, Doctor Who, Leverage...you name it!
