22 June, 2014

Purgatory? Flashbacks!

This has not been the greatest week. Rainy, nail-breaking, sick and crappy, lying on the couch. On the other hand, it's been Supernatural for days up in here, and 1/4 of the way into Season 8, my raging crush on Dean Winchester continues unabated. Not looking forward to the part where either he or Sam is forced to gank Benny (not spoiled on that, I've just watched TV before). But I am looking forward to more Purgatory flashbacks to see what happened to Castiel--because those are the scenes with Castiel in them.

Purgatory itself? Other than that incredibly sweet visual effect of the Leviathans smash-landing in the clearing, I'm not that intrigued. Ah, but Sam's flashbacks with Amelia? Sorry. I would have a difficult time being less intrigued. And it's not that I don't want to see the guys happy with girlfriends or whatnot; I just specifically do not like Amelia. Like, the first few times we saw her she spent the whole time putting words in Sam's mouth and insulting him. And not in a funny 'oh the jolly misunderstandings, but we can't resist this chemistry' kinda way. She's just ragging on him, being all judge-y and caustic...and I know it's because she's in pain and she's been hurt and they're starting to open up to each other and share their loss and it's gonna be lurve and whatnot, but I'm not invested in her pain. I just don't care. I mean, it's a bummer and all, but she hasn't given me anything about herself to like, any reason to hang on through the awkward, bitchy phase. We stick with Dean and Sam through their bad times, we stuck with Cas through his terrible decisions, because we know them, and we care. We want to see them get past it. Amelia, though... I know that, obviously, Sam is going to fall in love with her, and he's gonna hate to leave... but that's just it. Sam says he "had" someone. Did they break up? Did she die? Did she tell him he had to choose between her and Dean? I think Sam left her and "Dog" in bed at the beginning of the season or something? Honestly, though, I just don't care.

Please, please, Season 8, stop cutting away from actual Supernatural to spend time to following the uninteresting tale of How Sam Fell in Love With a Wet Blanket. In the last episode, when Sam looked at...I don't know, some other random object that filled him with soooo much wistful nostalgia...I literally groaned out loud because OMG, please not another chapter of the totally entertaining story of how Sam was nice to this grouch who turned out to be okay or whatever. We already know it's over, so without some spark of interesting or fun personality, without something to like about Amelia, we have no reason at all to get invested.

In general I think the flashback technique just isn't doing much for me. The things happening in them aren't intriguing enough to make me all excited about finding out more. I wanna find Cas, and...yeah, that's about it. I can't fault them for trying it out, though, because if LOST taught us anything, it's that PURGATORY = FLASHBACKS.

25 April, 2014

Radio Is the Super-Scary Boss Of Me

I'm too scared to watch Supernatural tonight, but I don't think it's up to me. Heading back to base again, listening to a totally different station this time, thinking, "Okay, so, a little packing and then maybe more Supernatural?" And that's when I lose several years off my life because there's a burst of static, and another station starts bleeding through...

"Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor..."

I am officially terrified of this radio.

23 April, 2014

Radio Is the Boss Of Me

About 20 minutes ago I was driving back to my parents', where I've been visiting for the last few weeks, and I'm thinking, "Hmm, maybe some Supernatural tonight? I think I'm almost to the S7 finale..." And then the next song starts playing on the radio.
"Carry on, my wayward son..."

So I guess that answers that question.

13 March, 2014

Deja Vu and Doctor Who

To my wonderful friends Television and Pinterest, thank you so very much. This is what you've done to me.

Sitting at my computer, I started having deja vu, and my sense of normal was not helped by the fact that it was a deja vu about a deja vu I could swear I'd had before. But it made me think of some pin I saw about...can't remember exactly, something like...what if deja vu happens because you died and are restoring from your most recent backup? And my addled brain actually took the time to consider this as a possibility.

"Hm, I don't think anything happened. I certainly don't remember anything that would have killed me..." But of course rather than shut down this nonsense train, I pounced immediately upon the most obvious and likely conclusion. "Crap, if I don't remember dying...did I get killed by a Silent?!" And yes, oh my sweet, embarrassed lord, yes, I CHECKED MY ARMS FOR HASH MARKS. Didn't see any, though. Why not? "Duh, brain, why do you think you don't have hash marks on your arms? It's because you don't have any pens in here!"

I really should keep a pen handy, just in case.

04 March, 2014

Professor Lockhart's Robes

I am currently re-reading the Harry Potter series for the eleventy-jillionth time. I just finished reading Chamber of Secrets, during which I noticed something that I can not believe I hadn't seen before...

Professor Lockhart's robes

23 February, 2014

Desktop Wallpaper

Unrelated to anything, I threw together a new desktop wallpaper for myself...

If anyone wants, please help yourself (I didn't "sign" it because I hate downloading wallpapers with URLs on them). I was aiming for something that was a little bit grunge and a little bit bright, and this was very simple to make--mostly I went nuts with the filters in Photoshop and then threw some candy colours at the clouds. ^_^

16 February, 2014


Meanwhile on Pinterest...

Lestrade's division

PS: DI Greg Lestrade? Totally My Division.

04 February, 2014

Supernatural: The Road So Far

Yes, I am really enjoying Supernatural! No, it's not Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Doctor Who. But yes, it's two visually pleasing guys blasting scary things with rock salt, so, WIN.

The brothers really do have a compelling relationship and great chemistry, but I remain an enormous weenie who has never, EVER liked being scared of things. Apparently some people just don't get fazed by scary movies and stuff. I envy those people. I also fear them just a little. Some other people enjoy the thrill of the scare while they're in the moment but regret it later when they're doing patently stupid things I try to avoid, such as opening medicine cabinets and checking out that noise downstairs.

I'm in a very different group of people, the group those other groups keep telling that it's not that scary, really, and they'll let us know when we can look, but we don't trust them not to tell us to open our eyes in the middle of the bloodbath, so we sit there with our eyes closed and our hands over our ears, trying to go to a happy place, but we're too scared to show the scary things where our happy places are, so we just sort of rock ourselves back and forth, humming as we try in vain to block out the laughter of the evil clown.

Given my lifetime membership in Group C, I had legit worries about whether I'd be able to watch Supernatural at all, but I'm shocked to report that for the most part it really isn't that scary! Now by that, I mean I watch by the light of every bulb in my living room and occasionally avert my gaze from the television until the scary part's over...and there are most definitely parts that scare the everloving crap out of me. I mean, when that little girl saw the clown standing in the woods, by the side of the road? I literally cried. I was so scared in that moment and froze up so completely that the only part of me still able to express my terror was the water in my eyes. So...yeah. I don't do clowns.

But the demons don't scare me as much, probably because they're so busy posturing and monologuing, and I find those things more annoying than scary--I mostly want the demons to shut up already. But there are moments that genuinely creep me out, creatures I find incredibly frightening, and I expected those to keep me from being able to watch Supernatural. Thing is, though? Nearly every episode, Dean and Sam send the scary thing packing. They salt the bones and burn them, and the scary thing goes away. So even though I'm only in the middle of Season 2, it's already been an invigorating experience, getting to watch these guys literally blowing away the things that frighten me. I can't even pretend to say I'm not still an Olympic-level scaredy-cat, though, because of something that happened last night.

I was watching epsode 2.6--and yes, spoilers for S2's "No Exit"-- in which the serial killer's spirit is haunting the apartment building, reaching through the grates and generally dripping goo all down the walls in a splendidly terrifying fashion. I am properly freaked but doing my best to hold it together until the Winchester boys can come salt this thing and make it better...and then the lights start to flicker. Not on the show. No, in my living room, the lights begin to flicker.

Please allow me to convey my feelings about this moment via the art of Allie Brosh, genius creator of Hyperbole and a Half, who without knowing she was doing it managed to draw the most accurate pictures of me in all of space and time.

27 January, 2014

Into the Abyss...

So I mention this in case family or friends start to worry where I've gone and what in the world can have happened to me... I'm about to start watching Supernatural.

I consider myself an Olympic-level scaredy-cat, so this endeavour will most certainly involve a degree of watching through my own fingers from behind the couch. But given the extent of my obsession with Doctor Who and Sherlock, considering the fact that I cut my fangirling teeth on the original run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I've kind of reached the point where I'm forced to admit that I was always going to wind up here. Best to go boldly. I hear there might be pie.

01 January, 2014

Sally Donovan and Sherlock

So before the new episode of Sherlock airs (ZOMGTODAY, I PHYSICALLY CAN NOT EVEN! ahem...) and people are all new and different since last we met, I had a couple of thoughts about Sgt. Sally Donovan and the way she regards Sherlock.

There really does seem to be some personal element to her animosity, doesn't there? I can only imagine how much she enjoyed watching Anderson go all "HE LIVES!" after The Fall and growing his Conspiracy Beard. I really think there's some backstory there for Sally and Sherlock, even if she's the only one hanging onto it.

But aside from that, there's a huge difference in the way she acts when he can and can't see her, and I have to wonder how much of her bluster is proactive defense. Behind Sherlock's back, Sally's face is wary and worried. She looks nervous and afraid. But when he can see her, when she's in front of others, she becomes biting and derisive. That hostility makes her feel much, much more secure.

Also, there's this...

Sally Donovan likes to poke the crazy.

I Like Stuff

Happy January 1st, Happy 2014! New blog, new place to put some stuff. Basically, I'm an enormous fangirl, and sometimes I need to get something out of my brain, if only to let the next episode, show, ship, whatever cycle through. That's where this place should come in. I may write down a thought or two, maybe commit some acts of photoshop. Daily life may or may not make an appearance.

I don't actually know what I ultimately want this blog to be; I just know that I needed a place to put a little fangirl stuff.