27 January, 2014

Into the Abyss...

So I mention this in case family or friends start to worry where I've gone and what in the world can have happened to me... I'm about to start watching Supernatural.

I consider myself an Olympic-level scaredy-cat, so this endeavour will most certainly involve a degree of watching through my own fingers from behind the couch. But given the extent of my obsession with Doctor Who and Sherlock, considering the fact that I cut my fangirling teeth on the original run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I've kind of reached the point where I'm forced to admit that I was always going to wind up here. Best to go boldly. I hear there might be pie.

01 January, 2014

Sally Donovan and Sherlock

So before the new episode of Sherlock airs (ZOMGTODAY, I PHYSICALLY CAN NOT EVEN! ahem...) and people are all new and different since last we met, I had a couple of thoughts about Sgt. Sally Donovan and the way she regards Sherlock.

There really does seem to be some personal element to her animosity, doesn't there? I can only imagine how much she enjoyed watching Anderson go all "HE LIVES!" after The Fall and growing his Conspiracy Beard. I really think there's some backstory there for Sally and Sherlock, even if she's the only one hanging onto it.

But aside from that, there's a huge difference in the way she acts when he can and can't see her, and I have to wonder how much of her bluster is proactive defense. Behind Sherlock's back, Sally's face is wary and worried. She looks nervous and afraid. But when he can see her, when she's in front of others, she becomes biting and derisive. That hostility makes her feel much, much more secure.

Also, there's this...

Sally Donovan likes to poke the crazy.

I Like Stuff

Happy January 1st, Happy 2014! New blog, new place to put some stuff. Basically, I'm an enormous fangirl, and sometimes I need to get something out of my brain, if only to let the next episode, show, ship, whatever cycle through. That's where this place should come in. I may write down a thought or two, maybe commit some acts of photoshop. Daily life may or may not make an appearance.

I don't actually know what I ultimately want this blog to be; I just know that I needed a place to put a little fangirl stuff.